Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Yes, I am. It isn't so much the fact that I start a new job tomorrow. It's more the little things that I need to get done, and won't. The fact that I got back from New Orleans about 3-ish hours later than I hoped is a big contributer. My New Orleans trip was great, by the way. Another, is the fact that I'll get at most 6 hours of sleep, if I even sleep at all. (Yes, I know I should be getting in bed instead of posting this).

Things really aren't working out so well for me right now. Here's hoping work goes well tomorrow, and I have a chance to catch up on some of my errands. Getting some rest would be nice as well. If not, maybe I ought to take up drinking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just look forward to Blues'n...