Saturday, January 07, 2006

Memory is a funny thing

Last night, for no reason whatsoever, an old friend popped into my head. I hadn't thought about her in years. I can't even remember when I thought about her last. I do remember her well, though. We weren't friends for very long, only about a semester during my junior year in high school. She sat next to me in my creative writing class. At the time, my social anxiety was much worse than it is now, but she was a very outgoing person and wasn't going to let me hide in my shell for long. I didn't go very far outside of my shell, but it seemed like enough at the time. She had managed to become my friend, even though I never said much. The fact that she didn't give up on me, and was dedicated to being a friend is what makes her important to me.

She graduated that year, and I never saw or heard from her again. I hope she is doing well. She certainly had a positive effect on my life.

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