Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sure he looks sweet and innocent...

Originally uploaded by qortez.

But every now and then, Buddy (pictured above), turns into a little monster (pictured below)!

Monster Buddy
Originally uploaded by qortez.

This happened last night. I was having trouble falling asleep, so I thought I'd pet the cats next to me. Petting them usually relaxes me, and helps me sleep. It was at this time, that Buddy made his transformation. Normally, I can see it coming, and take evasive action, but since I was trying to sleep, he caught me off guard. He was able to maul my arm pretty good before I pried him off me. Knowing he would soon have to face my wrath, he ran away and turned back into the sweet and innocent cat. He lay in the middle of the living room floor, belly in the air. Which, as we all no, is cat for, "Look, I'm exceedingly cute and you must love me!"

How can a guy say no to that?

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