Monday, November 27, 2006

Giving Thanks

It's been a really rough year, actually. I moved to a new city, and had a very hard time getting myself adjusted. I still question whether or not I'm really adjusted to my new home. Recently, I've been diagnosed with melanoma, which is the most aggressive form of skin cancer. Still, I've much to be thankful for.

I've decided to stay in Austin for a few more years, at least. To make my time here more comfortable, I've decided to buy a house. A nice 4 bedroom, two bath, house with wood floors and a hot tub. I'm really looking forward to moving in to that place. Moreso because my apartment sucks.

Despite having cancer, I am thankful that the cancer was still small, and in it's early stages. It should be cured whenever I go in for my next surgery. I'll lose a big chunk of my arm, but I'll be done with cancer after that. Can't be unhappy about that. Also, my girlfriend of few months has been amazingly supportive and helpful during this period. I'm immensely thankful for her. I don't think I'd been in nearly as good of spirits without her.

I'm starting to make some new friends in Austin. So, I'm really starting to get my life together down here. I'm quite thankful there. I still have awesome friends in Dallas, and I'm quite thankful for them as well. I still go up to visit them frequently (although not quite as often as I used to).

There's more to be thankful of, to be sure, but those are the big ones. Aside from having cancer, life is good. And the cancer is only temporary.

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