Saturday, March 25, 2006


Yesterday, I embarked on my first trip back to Dallas since I left about 6 weeks ago. I had been looking forward to the trip all day. Not only because I left work a little early, but also because I was going to see a lot of my friends. During the drive back, I actually felt like I was driving home. It is unfortunate that Austin doesn't feel like home yet, but Dallas was home for nearly 6 years.

So far, this trip has not disappointed me at all. It was very nice to get to see a lot of my friends last night. Most of them seemed really happy to see me, which is always a nice feeling and some didn't know I had left. I've already seen most of the people I want to see, and I'm hoping to get the rest tonight.

It's good to know that there is a place where I will always feel loved and welcome.

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