Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Lately, I've been having lots of crazy dreams. I think this causes me to not sleep as well, or not feel as rested as I otherwise would (afterall, my mind was crazy busy all night). Usually, I'll dream of people trying to kill me and saving the world and other action packed themes. Last night was different. I had a particularly creepy dream, as well as a particularly fun dream (but light on the action).

I don't remember a whole lot about the creepy dream. Only that I was visiting some place, and that everytime I went to sleep, there would be a whole lot of crabs and bugs and other critters that would crawl on by. Not just on the floor, but on everything, including me. It was very hard to sleep in the dream with thousands of things crawling on top of the blankets. Very creepy. For some reason, I don't think that was the first time I had a dream like that.

The other dream, was much more enjoyable. There was some dancing, but the focus was a group of my friends and I playing catch in a park. It wasn't a regular game of catch, however, as everyone could use The Force (yes, I'm a nerd) to manipulate the ball. There were a few rules, like whoever was throwing the ball couldn't use The Force, and you couldn't use The Force until the ball was in the air. It did make the ball do some crazy weird things, though. It was quite a bit of fun.

Friday, July 07, 2006

New York, revisited

I visited New York city again. This time for the 4th of July.

The trip began with me being stuck in the very back of the plane, with no window, an engine right next to my head, and 4 very loud and annoying kids in two rows in front of me. Add the fact that I didn't have time to eat dinner at my next stop and it's obvious that it wasn't a pleasant time at all.

The unpleasant times ceased upon getting to New York, where there were friends, both old and new. There was an expedition to Connecticut, to see MacBeth, in a park. A nice relaxing time. There was an outing to the American Museum of Natural History. Which is a fantastic museum and I highly recommend it to everyone. A little later that night, my foot started to hurt, but I sucked it up and didn't let it stop me from enjoying myself. There was also an outing to Coney Island and the New York City Aquarium. Which was also enjoyable. The last major event was a firworks watching/blues dancing party. Many good times were had, and the fireworks were pretty cool. There was lots of little enjoyable aspects of the trip as well, but I don't feel like writing about them.

I got to the airport early for my return trip. I saw that my flight was an hour late (which meant a 4 hour wait). So, I decided to try to get standby on a flight that was supposed to leave in an hour (sounded really good to me, and I could have gotten in Austin by 9). I didn't know it at the time, but that flight was also an hour late, but 2 hours is still better than 4. At the time I got to the gate, I was #5 on the standby list. I grabbed some food and then looked at the list again, I had gotten pushed back to #27. I'm guessing that some flights had been cancelled due to the rain that morning, and that's why people got in front of me, so I wasn't too upset about it. I just admitted defeat, and checked in to my original flight.

It got to be about the time for my flight to leave, and they hadn't started boarding yet. Having been in the airport for 4 hours, I was getting a bit impatient. Then they announced that our plane was out of service, and the flight was cancelled. Then they made everybody stand in line to get a new flight. This is when having a hurt foot really started to suck (all the other walking around I did made it hurt a lot, and I was limping pretty heavily). I had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get my new flight scheduled and thought I was going to collapse from the pain. They couldn't get me on a flight that night, so they put me up in a hotel for the night. Which wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, my bag had made it on a plane. As luck would have it, all of my clean clothes were on that bag. So that really sucked.

The remainder of the trip went as follows: check in to hotel, eat, relax a bit, go to bed, wake up super damn early, shower, go to airport, catch flights home, wander around the massive amount of bags that arrived the night before, not seeing mine, talk to airline employees and learn that it may have been on my flight, wait for my bag to be unloaded from the plane, get bag, notice it has significantly more wear and tear than the last time I saw it, get food, go home, change to clean clothes, go to work.

Somehow my bag had gone to Phoenix. I don't know what's up with that. The damage to it sucks, but I'm just happy that it wasn't lost.

So, in summary, very good trip. I would only change the hurt foot, and the flight situation. Pictures should be up sometime this weekend.