A few weekends ago, my annual December trip landed me in Denver. Which happens to be the same location as my first annual December trip. It was just that good the first time.
On the way out of town, we stopped for food at the Friday's in the airport. We ended up getting the food to go, since we were a bit shorter on time than I realized. Right before getting on the plane, I grabbed my bacon cheese burger from the bag (since I was not sitting near my travel companions). When I got on the plane, I began to eat my cheeseburger and noticed that I had no bacon. The bacon was stored in a speparate container, which was beyond my reach. I had to have a bacon-less bacon cheeseburger. I was not happy. Things got worse from there, however. Usually, I sleep when I'm on a plane. But the crying baby in the next row made this impossible. Also, when the flight attendents came around taking drink orders, I asked for a water. Since I was the only one in my row that wanted a drink, the flight attendant proceeded to take the orders for the next row, which seemed reasonable enough. She then poured all the drinks (including my water), and gave the next row their drinks. She couldn't seem to remember why she poured the water, though, and proceeded to get the other passengers' drink orders. During which time, I was unable to get her attention. So I had to ask the other flight attendant as he walked by. All this inconvenience before we had even entered the state of Colorado. It was not a good start to the weekend.
Luckily, the plane ride was by far the worst part of the weekend.
We didn't do anything exciting Thursday night, just hung out and watched Donnie Darko. Which happens to be a somewhat creepy movie. Friday, due to some unforseen circumstances, our lovely hostess was unable to be present for much of the day, leaving 3 very hungry people to fend for themselves in her home. Luckily, a previous guest had ordered pizza, and the box (with the delivery address) was still available. Using this information, pizza was delivered and starvation was avoided. That night, hanging out and dancing insued. Followed by quite the snow storm.
Saturday was a trip to Boulder. Where walking around in the cold and visiting various stores was the entertainment of the day. Pretty good entertainment at that. Follow this by some really good dancing and it made for a fantastic time.
Sunday required an early rise out of bed in order to go to breakfast. The location was a place called Bump and Grind. A place, where the entire waitstaff is in drag. This was interesting, but what was even more so was the food. It was absolutely fantastic. We also pretended it was Tommy's birthday, to get a good laugh (and free cake). Later in the day was a house warming type party where much hanging out-ness ensued. A few of us cut out of the party early to go dancing in Colorado Springs. Good times were had.
Monday was an extremely cold day. So, we ended up spending the afternoon at a Mile High Comics store, and later one of the warehouses for Mile High Comics. It was a good way to pass the time. Then a little relaxation time was had before heading to the airport. The return flight was fine, but the plane landed at the wrong terminal. I'm sure the pilot thought she was supposed to go there, but everyone else was confused. This followed by the typical "wait for the damn bus" activity at DFW. So, about an hour after landing, we were on the road home.
It was my first weekend without the girlfriend in quite some time. I had no idea I could miss somebody so much. Still, I had a good time. It would have been better with her, though.