Mr. Blue Truck Man Gets Mad
It was a beautiful Thursday morning in Texas. The sun was shining and the temperature was probably still in the low 90s. "It's a wonderful day to drive to work," I thought as I got in my car.
I was almost to work, still enjoying the drive, when I saw Mr. Blue Truck Man. He had started to change into my lane, but jerked his Blue Truck back into his lane right away. It wasn't until after this happened that I noticed he had turned on his blinker, indicating he wanted in my lane.
"If I would have seen your signal earlier, I would have let you in," I said to myself.
At this point, I was about to pass Mr. Blue Truck Man. Then I noticed that the lane next to me was open. I needed to be in that lane to get to work, so I changed into that lane. Moments later, Mr. Blue Truck Man pulls up next time and honks is horn three times! "Beeep, Beeep, BEEEEEP!" went the horn.
I glanced at Mr. Blue Truck Man and he was furious. I thought steam was about to come out of his ears! It looked like he was yelling at me instead of paying attention to the road. I couldn't hear anything he was saying, so I shrugged my shoulders and continued to pay attention to the road. Mr. Blue Truck Man passed me a little bit later, and he was still shaking his fist at me. I felt so embarrassed. I had no idea making somebody 5 seconds late could get them so mad.
I managed to get to work without getting anybody else mad at me. I feel bad for what I did to Mr. Blue Truck Man. Hopefully, he will calm down and find it in his heart to forgive me.
The End.