Tuesday, June 14, 2005

CTLX 2005

I got back from DLX on Wednesday morning. On Friday morning, I hopped on a plane to go to CTLX. In hindsight, this was a bad idea. I just didn't give myself enough time at home to recover from DLX to really be able to enjoy CTLX. I also spent an extra 4 hours in the Kansas City airport, which didn't help. Kansas City quite possibly has the worst designed airport....ever. I thought DFW was bad, and it is, but Kansas City is much worse. It even sucks more than Tulsa's airport.

I finally got to New York at about 10pm (I was supposed to get there at 6pm). Then, after a quick bite to eat with a very patient woman, we both hopped on the train to Connecticut. At a little after 1am, I finally arrive at the train station in CT. I missed the first dance at the exchange. Bollocks! Not only that, but I had only been able to eat crappy airport food all day, so I was incredibly malnourished. Fortunately, the late night dance was at a sushi restaurant. That raw fish made me feel so much better.

The extreme humidity (and all humidity over 10 or 15% is extreme to me) prevented me from dancing much the rest of the weekend. I still managed to have a good time, though.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Denver Lindy Exchange

Hanging Lake
Originally uploaded by qortez.

Denver is 2 for 2 so far. I had a fantastic time this past weekend.

The weekend started with a missed flight. After fighting the horrible DFW parking (and losing), we still managed to get to the ticket counter 15 minutes before the plane was supposed to leave, and there was absolutely no line at security. Yet, the airline representative refused to work with us and wouldn't let us on the plane. So we had to kill an extra 2.5 hours at the airport. Blah.

Friday brought a hike to the beautiful hanging lake. The hike was only marred by massive amounts of rainfall and hail (we started before the rain). This, of course, made the trail muddy and slippery (and really cold). I always like an added sense of danger. As the photos can attest, the trip was worth it. And so began the long sequence of punishment my body would have to endure over the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday were filled with much dancing and merriment. Monday was a good relaxing day, as was much of Tuesday. Tuesday night was my last night to dance in Denver this trip and, surprise, was a good time.

So yeah, thumbs up to DLX 2005.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


My insurance has decided to give a green light to fixing the car. They gave me an estimate that was quite a bit lower than what the shop gave me. Don't know where that difference comes from. Although it is tempting to not fix my car and get a new one, I think I'll go ahead and keep it for a while longer (since I've got no income right now).

Maybe my car will be ready by the time I get back from Denver. Here's hoping, I hate that rental car.