Sunday, December 18, 2005

God must hate the right side of my car

New Car Scratches
Originally uploaded by qortez.

I was driving along, not a worry in the world. When, all of the sudden, a big chunk of wood flew at my car, scaring the crap out of me.

Apparently, the car in front of me ran over this chunk of wood, which sent it flying at me. There was no way for me to avoid it, since I didn't see it until after it hit my car. Luckily, my car's kung fu is strong, and it shattered the piece of wood with only a few scratches.

Here are all the pictures.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Denver in December

A few weekends ago, my annual December trip landed me in Denver. Which happens to be the same location as my first annual December trip. It was just that good the first time.

On the way out of town, we stopped for food at the Friday's in the airport. We ended up getting the food to go, since we were a bit shorter on time than I realized. Right before getting on the plane, I grabbed my bacon cheese burger from the bag (since I was not sitting near my travel companions). When I got on the plane, I began to eat my cheeseburger and noticed that I had no bacon. The bacon was stored in a speparate container, which was beyond my reach. I had to have a bacon-less bacon cheeseburger. I was not happy. Things got worse from there, however. Usually, I sleep when I'm on a plane. But the crying baby in the next row made this impossible. Also, when the flight attendents came around taking drink orders, I asked for a water. Since I was the only one in my row that wanted a drink, the flight attendant proceeded to take the orders for the next row, which seemed reasonable enough. She then poured all the drinks (including my water), and gave the next row their drinks. She couldn't seem to remember why she poured the water, though, and proceeded to get the other passengers' drink orders. During which time, I was unable to get her attention. So I had to ask the other flight attendant as he walked by. All this inconvenience before we had even entered the state of Colorado. It was not a good start to the weekend.

Luckily, the plane ride was by far the worst part of the weekend.

We didn't do anything exciting Thursday night, just hung out and watched Donnie Darko. Which happens to be a somewhat creepy movie. Friday, due to some unforseen circumstances, our lovely hostess was unable to be present for much of the day, leaving 3 very hungry people to fend for themselves in her home. Luckily, a previous guest had ordered pizza, and the box (with the delivery address) was still available. Using this information, pizza was delivered and starvation was avoided. That night, hanging out and dancing insued. Followed by quite the snow storm.

Saturday was a trip to Boulder. Where walking around in the cold and visiting various stores was the entertainment of the day. Pretty good entertainment at that. Follow this by some really good dancing and it made for a fantastic time.

Sunday required an early rise out of bed in order to go to breakfast. The location was a place called Bump and Grind. A place, where the entire waitstaff is in drag. This was interesting, but what was even more so was the food. It was absolutely fantastic. We also pretended it was Tommy's birthday, to get a good laugh (and free cake). Later in the day was a house warming type party where much hanging out-ness ensued. A few of us cut out of the party early to go dancing in Colorado Springs. Good times were had.

Monday was an extremely cold day. So, we ended up spending the afternoon at a Mile High Comics store, and later one of the warehouses for Mile High Comics. It was a good way to pass the time. Then a little relaxation time was had before heading to the airport. The return flight was fine, but the plane landed at the wrong terminal. I'm sure the pilot thought she was supposed to go there, but everyone else was confused. This followed by the typical "wait for the damn bus" activity at DFW. So, about an hour after landing, we were on the road home.

It was my first weekend without the girlfriend in quite some time. I had no idea I could miss somebody so much. Still, I had a good time. It would have been better with her, though.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


It's a little late-ish, but oh well.

It seems that I didn't have a lot to be thankful for the last several years. Sure I have a comfortable life, good friends, and all that. Something was missing, though. For whatever reason, I just wasn't all that happy. Within the last year, I found happiness. Nothing had really changed, I guess I just realized that I really didn't have any reason to not be happy. Since then, I've had a fantastic time. Sure, there are a few things I would like to change, but I'm not going to let those things get me down.

This Thanksgiving, I found myself having a lot to be thankful for. I'm thankful that my employer allowed me to take 3 months off work so I could travel. I'm also thankful for all the personal growing I've done over the last year. I'm more thankful for the great friendships that I have. I'm also thankful for the special someone who decided to come up to Dallas from Austin to spend the weekend with me. I'm thankful for being able to go down to Austin later in the weekend and send another friend off to Portland (where I have more friends). Although I can't recommend the bus as a form of travel, I'm thankful I was able to catch a bus back to Dallas. I'm even thankful that I'm too lazy to look up another word for 'thankful'.

Life just keeps getting better. Thanks, everyone.

Monday, October 10, 2005


A group of friends and myself, spontaneously decided to go down to Austin this weekend. The decision was made, from bed, around noon, to try and leave around 2pm. We almost made schedule, but whatever.

On the way down to Austin, I was getting ready to pass a truck, when of their tires blew out. Tire chunks went flying toward my car. This was in a contruction area, with narrow lines, and a concrete barrier to one side, so there was no way I could actually dodge the oncoming junks of rubbery death. The only thing I could think of was to slow down, and hope for the best. Luckily, that seemed to be the right thing to do. I ran over a big chunk-o-tire, and one hit my hood/windshield, but there didn't appear to be any damage from the attack.

Nothing else exciting happened on the drive there. I probably should have made something up, though, since everyone else in the car slept for half the trip.

Austin was great, as usual. There was a blues dance that night, and I had some of the best dances I have had in quite some time. There was some clubbing afterward, but I was too zoned out to really know what was going on at that time. There was a boring drive back to Dallas the next day (although West, Texas did end up being unusually crowded with UT students...I'm guessing it had something to do with the game on Saturday).

Friday, September 30, 2005

In the Desert

As previously mentioned, I got to go to Arizona for a few days. This was for work, and many people on my team have had to go in the past. I think it is safe to say that none of them enjoyed themselves nearly as much as I did. I flew in on Tuesday morning, and that night I was able to get some fantastic sushi. Then I went to see M. Doughty playing live. Words cannot describe how fantastic the show was. Then there was the after show food outing, during which I was pretty zombiefied. I managed to get in bed at 2am...which is 4am where I woke up that morning. After a few hours of sleep, I had to go to work. I have to give a big thank you to Sobe Energy for helping me get through that. The next night, I just chilled with my homie. Then back to Dallas the next morning. So, like, rock on and stuff.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Went to STLBX this past weekend. It was a lot of fun. Check out the pictures for some of the wacky antics. It was really a whole lot of fun. Now I have to get ready to hop on another plane tomorrow morning. This one to super exotic locale of Tucson, Arizona.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Wrong Way

On the way home last night, I saw no less than two cars headed the wrong way down a one way street. Crazy stupid and/or drunk people.

Monday, September 05, 2005

RIP 2001-2005

My server died today. It served me for about a year. Before it was my server, it was my primary PC for 3 years. It will be missed.

Interesting? note: The power supply is what went bad. I don't know if it managed to fry anything else. While I was checking it out, the power supply was making funny popping noises, even though the computer was off. I also got that nice burnt component smell.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Mr. Blue Truck Man Gets Mad

Hey kids, since it's been a while since I've posted, I thought I'd tell a story.

Mr. Blue Truck Man Gets Mad

It was a beautiful Thursday morning in Texas. The sun was shining and the temperature was probably still in the low 90s. "It's a wonderful day to drive to work," I thought as I got in my car.

I was almost to work, still enjoying the drive, when I saw Mr. Blue Truck Man. He had started to change into my lane, but jerked his Blue Truck back into his lane right away. It wasn't until after this happened that I noticed he had turned on his blinker, indicating he wanted in my lane.

"If I would have seen your signal earlier, I would have let you in," I said to myself.

At this point, I was about to pass Mr. Blue Truck Man. Then I noticed that the lane next to me was open. I needed to be in that lane to get to work, so I changed into that lane. Moments later, Mr. Blue Truck Man pulls up next time and honks is horn three times! "Beeep, Beeep, BEEEEEP!" went the horn.

I glanced at Mr. Blue Truck Man and he was furious. I thought steam was about to come out of his ears! It looked like he was yelling at me instead of paying attention to the road. I couldn't hear anything he was saying, so I shrugged my shoulders and continued to pay attention to the road. Mr. Blue Truck Man passed me a little bit later, and he was still shaking his fist at me. I felt so embarrassed. I had no idea making somebody 5 seconds late could get them so mad.

I managed to get to work without getting anybody else mad at me. I feel bad for what I did to Mr. Blue Truck Man. Hopefully, he will calm down and find it in his heart to forgive me.

The End.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Not such good times. My company is stealing my money, my tooth hurts, and I got a speeding ticket for way more than I was actually going. Too bad I can't prove the cop is a lying bastard.

Friday, July 22, 2005


That is all.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Back to Work

Well, my vacation is over and I have to be at work in about 9 hours. I had a grand total of 14 weeks off. While I was off, I visited St. Louis, New Orleans, Austin (twice), New York City, Denver, Various cities in Connecticut, and Philadelphia (and area). It's been a fantastic break, but I'm can't say I'm looking forward to working again. Here's hoping I enjoy it more than I did before. Time will tell.

Friday, July 08, 2005

The Fourth in Philadelphia

2nd of July Fireworks
Originally uploaded by qortez.

I decided to spend the 4th of July in Philadelphia this year. Unfortunately, I decided this 2 weeks or so before the 4th. Fortunately, I was able to use my frequent flyer miles. Doing so made me go out there for just over a week. Luckily, I had a fantastic time.

Things I did (in no particular order):

I went to the Adventure Aquarium in New Jersey (just across the river). I took a lot of pictures there. It was a neat place.

I did the obligatory visit to the Liberty Bell. I even tried to get a picture of it that looked like bigfoot.

I went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Due to the Live 8 concert happening the next day, I was unable to do the Rocky thing on the stairs. Oh well, I'm probably too out of shape for that anyway. I didn't spend a whole lot of time browsing the museum, because there was a bit of a concert going on inside. It was rather enjoyable.

I briefly stopped by the Live 8 concert. I didn't feel like messing with the crowds on a rather hot day, so I didn't stick around for long.

I also caught a rather good fireworks show on the 2nd. Many pictures from that.

There was also an obligatory eating of a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich. I must say it was very tasty.

There was a 4th of July parade, with some interesting folks in it.

I took some time to try and take pictures of some fireflies. Which happens to be rather difficult.

There was a near visit to the USS Cole, but the line was as long as the ship itself (3 hours, by some accounts), so I decided not to do that. I did visit the Battleship New Jersey, though. It was quite interesting.

I did other stuff, too, but don't feel like writing about it.

And through it all, my wonderful hostess didn't get totally sick of me (to my knowledge).

All my pictures, here.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I finally got my car back!

It's only been 35 or 36 days (I dropped it off May 31st). Granted, it was finally completed on June 30th, but I was out of town until today.

It's about damn time. I had to get used to driving all over again.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

CTLX 2005

I got back from DLX on Wednesday morning. On Friday morning, I hopped on a plane to go to CTLX. In hindsight, this was a bad idea. I just didn't give myself enough time at home to recover from DLX to really be able to enjoy CTLX. I also spent an extra 4 hours in the Kansas City airport, which didn't help. Kansas City quite possibly has the worst designed airport....ever. I thought DFW was bad, and it is, but Kansas City is much worse. It even sucks more than Tulsa's airport.

I finally got to New York at about 10pm (I was supposed to get there at 6pm). Then, after a quick bite to eat with a very patient woman, we both hopped on the train to Connecticut. At a little after 1am, I finally arrive at the train station in CT. I missed the first dance at the exchange. Bollocks! Not only that, but I had only been able to eat crappy airport food all day, so I was incredibly malnourished. Fortunately, the late night dance was at a sushi restaurant. That raw fish made me feel so much better.

The extreme humidity (and all humidity over 10 or 15% is extreme to me) prevented me from dancing much the rest of the weekend. I still managed to have a good time, though.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Denver Lindy Exchange

Hanging Lake
Originally uploaded by qortez.

Denver is 2 for 2 so far. I had a fantastic time this past weekend.

The weekend started with a missed flight. After fighting the horrible DFW parking (and losing), we still managed to get to the ticket counter 15 minutes before the plane was supposed to leave, and there was absolutely no line at security. Yet, the airline representative refused to work with us and wouldn't let us on the plane. So we had to kill an extra 2.5 hours at the airport. Blah.

Friday brought a hike to the beautiful hanging lake. The hike was only marred by massive amounts of rainfall and hail (we started before the rain). This, of course, made the trail muddy and slippery (and really cold). I always like an added sense of danger. As the photos can attest, the trip was worth it. And so began the long sequence of punishment my body would have to endure over the weekend.

Saturday and Sunday were filled with much dancing and merriment. Monday was a good relaxing day, as was much of Tuesday. Tuesday night was my last night to dance in Denver this trip and, surprise, was a good time.

So yeah, thumbs up to DLX 2005.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


My insurance has decided to give a green light to fixing the car. They gave me an estimate that was quite a bit lower than what the shop gave me. Don't know where that difference comes from. Although it is tempting to not fix my car and get a new one, I think I'll go ahead and keep it for a while longer (since I've got no income right now).

Maybe my car will be ready by the time I get back from Denver. Here's hoping, I hate that rental car.

Monday, May 30, 2005


That's my rim.
Originally uploaded by qortez.

So I'm just driving along, minding my own business when this white car decides that they want in my lane. Apparently, they wanted in there now, and didn't think that the lane might be occupied.

I had to swerve to avoid hitting the guy, unfortunately, this left me going the wrong way, toward oncoming traffic. So I decided my best course of action would be to go into the median. Unfortunately, doing so destroyed my rim, ripped up my tire, and broke my front panel. Of course, the white car didn't stop.

This happened late on Saturday night, so all the tire places were closed. So I have to wait until Tuesday morning to get the darn thing fixed.

Stupid white car.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

New York City

I did another silly thing last weekend. I traveled to New York City without planning much of anything. I didn't even arrange for a place to stay. I just kinda figured the lindy hoppers there would take care of me. Luckily, they did, at least in the sleep department. I did spend my days alone in the city. That was fine, however, as I got to explore the city the way I wanted to (excepting that my feet/legs/ankle/knees were complaining everywhere I went). Not quite the trip I wanted, but still a good trip. I'm glad I went.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I saw another one!

While I've spent nearly 5 years in the Dallas area, I had never seen a possum until this year. Now I see one every couple of weeks, it seems. There is probably a family of them living in my apartment complex, since that usually where I see them. Ugly buggers, they are.

Friday, April 29, 2005


I drove down to Austin yesterday, danced a bit, got a little bit of sleep. Then I drove back home today.

It was worth it, though. It was the best dancing I've done in quite some time. Something has just been off for me lately, not sure what, or why, but I wasn't having any of that trouble last night. Hopefully, I don't get off again.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

NO Jazz Fest

I went to the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival last weekend (well 1 day of it). Saw me some James Taylor among other musical peeps. I also got to see some of my friends while I was out there, plus I made a few more. All in all, a good time. I always enjoy visiting New Orleans.

I also took some pictures of Tulane University while I was down there. Here the are.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Now where did I leave my brain?

It's got to be around here somewhere. I spent the weekend in St. Louis at their Cheap Thrills weekend. My lack of brain functionality made itself apparent when I left to go to the airport. I ended up going the wrong way to pick up Tommy. My enjoy of the weekend was also limitted by not having a brain. However, the end of the weekend topped it all. In a fit of laziness, I decided to have Ami and Jered drive my big bag back to Dallas (I hated carrying that damn thing all over on the way to St. Louis. A few hours after they left, I realized that my keys (to my car, parked at the airport, and my apartment), were in my bag, in Ami's car, on its way to Dallas.


Luckily, I have a spare car key, there was just the tiny issue of my car alarm. So after I steal my car from the airport, I start a traffic filled drive to Denton, to pick up my keys. The Office Space traffic was in full effect. The lane I was in was always the lane that wasn't moving. After an hour and a half, I finally made it, now I only had another 45 minute drive home.

I made it home just fine, and promptly crashed for about 6 or 7 hours. Now its nearly 2am, and I'm not tired. Oh well.

I took a couple of pictures over the weekend. They be here.

Friday, April 08, 2005

I hope I'm making the right decision

I'm now officially on a 3 month leave of absence. 3 months with no work....and no income. My plan is to have a bunch of fun travelling and stuff. Let's see how well that goes.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Google Maps r0x0rZ

Google has added satellite images to their mapping website. I seem to remember MapQuest having this feature at some point, but it was removed.

Friday, April 01, 2005

I will prevail (I hope)

There are certain factions that would have me stay working passed the end of next week. I shall not quit without a fight! (wait...).

In other news....links!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Tommy plays with audio blog...

this is an audio post - click to play

Somebody please kill the incompetence fairies!

I've had all the incompetance I can take for the day, and it all happened at lunch. I hate McKinney.